Pizza Brunch
- Do Pizza Brunch! A sustainability-focused quality time project. Your step-by-step guide to using food leftovers and living a healthy food mindset.
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My pizza brunch step-by-step guide is incredibly versatile, making it easy for anyone to prepare a vegan or vegetarian brunch. This concept offers a diverse range of recipes, checklists, and structure, all while encouraging a healthy food mindset. By consciously selecting groceries and utilizing them efficiently for the brunch, it shows you how to minimize food waste. Get ready to be guided through the process of organizing the perfect pizza brunch and indulge in a delightful culinary experience.
Über Christine Bertl
Format: 105x148
Seitenzahl: 86
ISBN: 978-3-99152-445-8
Genre: Ratgeber & Freizeit, Kochen & Genießen
Erscheinungsdatum: 30.11.2023
Sprache: Englisch
Farbe: färbig
Verlag: Buchschmiede
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