AGILE through the day!
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Enjoying agility in daily life is the motto of this guidebook. Molly Rotundalove and Richard Roundbackcare show you in vivid pictures how you can improve your body's coordination through very small movements. You compile a learning program suited to your needs. You include this program into your daily routines. Minor physical complaints like morning stiffness, a tense neck or the feeling of not being quite as fit as you used to be may be transformed step by step into joyous movement. Without taking up any additional time you will become more agile with each day passing.
Über Sonja Hagmann
SONJA HAGMANN ist seit 1986 als Ergotherapeutin in den Bereichen Orthopädie und Neurologie tätig. Das Staunen über das Wunder Mensch und die Faszination für Bewegungszusammenhänge bestimmen ihren beruflichen Alltag.
SONJA HAGMANN has been working as an occupational therapist in orthopedics and neurology since 1986. Profound admiration for the human being and a fascination for the complex dynamics and relationships of movement determine the quality and intensity of her everyday life at work.
Format: 170x220
Seitenzahl: 56
ISBN: 978-3-99125-900-8
Genre: Ratgeber & Freizeit, Gesundheit, Familie, Lebenshilfe
Erscheinungsdatum: 27.05.2021
Sprache: Deutsch
Farbe: färbig
Verlag: Buchschmiede
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