From the honest and slightly jaded mind of writer Daniela Henry, this collection of essays is full of hopeful reminders, gentle truths, dark humor, and art inspired by personal growth. Even small changes help us transform as life unfolds, whether you are chasing your dreams or still trying to get out of bed. You are here but you are not alone. As the saying goes: When life hands you lemons, make lemonade out of it. Smile. Don’t take your life, yourself, and things too seriously and remember: this too shall pass.
Über Daniela Henry
Format: 148x210
Seitenzahl: 192
ISBN: 978-3-99129-155-8
Genre: Belletristik
Erscheinungsdatum: 20.09.2024
Sprache: Englisch
Farbe: schwarz-weiß
Verlag: Buchschmiede
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