Affairs, obsessions, grand passions and tiny ardours course through these four beautiful women who had everything a man could want; good natured, sharp as a tack, smart and attractive. But they had their own set-backs drawn with their face of failed marriages, their passion, persuasion, betrayal and disappointment that allowed them to reflect the moral ambiguity of real life. This collection is a searing tale of innocence and corrupt love, couple exploited for their sexual incompatibility. Wit, humour and irony are often deployed with light touch and a wicked sense of fun is at play.
Über Rebecca Alvarez
Format: 148x210
Seitenzahl: 112
ISBN: 978-3-99093-191-2
Genre: Belletristik, Romane & Erzählungen
Erscheinungsdatum: 12.12.2019
Sprache: Englisch
Farbe: schwarz-weiß
Verlag: Buchschmiede
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